segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013


Open invitation to contribute to the exhibition "A letter to Marseille"

People of the world,

The project “A letter to Marseille” opens on June, 2013.

At the outset, photographs of Marseille’s (France) old mailboxes will be posted throughout the city center of Recife (Brasil), which in turn, has also went through a process of abandonment and discredit.

In addition to proposing rearrangement and urban intervention, the project addresses the reassignment of mailboxes on account of physical modifications and the decline of its ability to exchange messages.

We would like to ask those who can spare the time to write a letter with the following theme:
‘Tell something you have never told anybody to someone you haven’t met.’

Here the verb ‘to tell’ is used in a broader sense. You may convey your message with words, photography, drawing, movies, music, recorded voice, objects, origami, any means that will fit a more personal communication in its many forms.

As we pursue such an intimate monologue -- addressed to somebody who may not even exist, yet could be just around the corner --, we might come across messages that were misplaced, not unlike common lost mail or mailboxes scattered about the city.

The letters will be displayed on the gallery walls along with other project’s exhibits.

Please send your letter to the following address:

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